If you've been online in the last couple of weeks, you might have seen the cover reveal of the next round of Vino & Veritas books, including mine, Insatiable.
Well, if you haven't, don't worry, I've got them all here for you, but also I've got a teaser from my book to whet your appetite for my silver fox and his grumpy sugarmaker coming in May.
But first things first, here's the cover!
And here's the teaser:
“And? Have you found the object of your ‘affection’ yet?” Harrison asks. “Current company excluded, of course.”
I shrug and turn around, taking in the bookshop, but someone outside catches my attention, coming out of a restaurant across the street.
Brody Mercier. I’d love to see him sprawled out in my bed, hanging onto my lips as if they are sweeter than maple, and have him shout out my name as I take him six ways to Sunday, effectively turning that frown upside down.
“I think I have,” I say, looking back at my friend with a smirk.
Harrison checks over his shoulder for who I’d been looking at, then turns back to me in horror.
“Oh God. No. Leave the poor man alone. He’s got enough to deal with without you chasing after him,” he says.
I take another sip of my coffee—delicious, by the way—and sit back on the stool.
“The way I see it, he’s got a bad case of the sadsies and could use a…smile,” I say. Or a dick in his mouth. Same difference.
“You’re an idiot.”
Harrison shakes his head, and Oz grimaces.
“What? You think you can get him? Good luck with that. That man has been in a rut for three months now,” he says.
“Is that a challenge?” I say, addressing both of them.
Harrison rolls his eyes and sips his coffee.
“Do you ever not…um…think with your dick?” Oz asks.
“Probably not,” I say.
“I know you’ve had a lot of ‘adventures,’ but Brody Mercier isn’t the type to fall under your spell. He almost got married for crying out loud,” Oz says.
“All the more reason to have some fun and rebound. Hard,” I say. “Hey! That could be the title of my next book. Hard Rebound with the Sugarmaker.”
“I still don’t think Brody is a guy who will want a quickie in the restroom or a BJ behind the bushes.”
“Maybe not at first.”
“Maybe not ever,” Oz counters.
“Wanna bet on it?” I ask, the cogs already turning in my head.
I love nothing if not a challenge, and from the sound—and look of it—Brody Mercier may just be exactly what I need to get me out of my own rut. And we can both have fun in the process. And a bestseller at the end of it.
That’ll show those bloody critics.
“Bet on it?” Oz asks, hesitantly.
“Yeah. Bet. You say I can’t get him, and I’m telling you that I can have him in my bed by the end of the month, if not the week.”
“Gosh, I knew you based your stories on real life, but I didn’t realize all you think about is sex. When was the last time you went without sex for longer than a week?” Oz asks, leaning forward, a hand under his chin, brown eyes staring right at mine.
“A week? Jeez. Does anyone go through such torture?” I ask.
Harrison lets out a surprised wow next to me, but both Oz and I ignore him.
“I’ll tell you what. I’ll bet you can’t get him into bed, and if you lose…” Oz scratches his chin and purses his lips before he speaks again. “If you lose, you can’t have sex for three months.”
A knot forms in my throat, and I start coughing on the coffee dregs still in my mouth.
“What the hell? Three months? That’s plain torture.”
Oz stands up straight again and shrugs.
“Well, if you’re scared—”
“I’m not scared,” I say before he can even finish. “Why would I be? I can get him like that.” I click my fingers, and the snap seems to give me back my confidence.
Getting guys in my bed is what I do. I never fail. The guy to resist me hasn’t been born yet. And Brody Mercier is no exception. He may be a challenge, but he’ll be begging for my cock before long.
“If you say so,” Oz smirks. “But if you lose, you go celibate. Three months.”
“Fine. I lose, I go celibate.” A shudder passes over my entire body at the mere suggestion. “But if you lose, I get your respect for my skills and charm.”
Oz raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms.
“That’s it? That’s all you want from me? Respect? I thought you were going to ask for something naughtier. You, Mr. Graves, surprise me. And…” He reaches for my hand and we shake on it. “You’ve got yourself a deal.”
Like what you just read? You can pre-order your copy here: https://readerlinks.com/l/1762463
And here's the rest of the pretties which you can snatch here: https://amzn.to/3fxkAq1